Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chinese art

On the top floor of the San Francisco MOMA is this photograph. People stacked up. You take a bunch of your friends out into the countryside, you get them to take off their clothes and then you stack them in a pile and take their picture. Strange. The artist is zhang huan and it's called To Add One Meter to an Unknown Mountain.


I can't decide which of these two I like better.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

North Beach Neon

Person of unknown gender in house shoes and hat with martini in hand. Actually I think it has to be a woman.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Garden in Land Park

This is Daisy Ma in her garden in Land Park.

The rocks in this garden were laid by the WPA during the great depression. The plants are provided by Daisy. Behind the yucca is a bunya bunya tree planted by Daisy years ago.

Over the years she has switched to drought tolerant species. She likes poppies and so do I.

To find this small garden drive south on Land Park Drive past the small pond with a fountain on the left and turn left into the parking area.